Labels:book | bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: 3.3.6Copyas Allows you tospecifyhecopyoptionsfortheselectionYou can setthe size scaleor resolutiorin thedialog Note This functionis usefulforcopyinghesel lectiorwith thecorrectizeandtheoriginal resolution(you) loseno dataorresolution). 7FinchndReplace You usethis functionto rep lacne colorof an imagewith anothercolor You can se] lecthe sourceand destinatiomolor with the colorpickeror by clickingin the image Selectll Selecttheentirecontentof theactivewindow 3.3.9Selediictuneontent Selectonly thecontentofapicturandnotthesolidcoloredborders .3.1rim Cutsa iwaythenon -selectedartsofa picturandleavestheselectiomstheresult. Note:You savememorywith thisfunction Clipboard Showsthecontentof theclipboard 3.3.1ewPicturwithClipboard You geta new picture as opposedto pasting createdwith the contentsof t ...